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Stained and Leaded Glass Insulation

It’s no secret that the purpose of a window is to gain a view outside and admit light inside. However, with leaded (no color) and stained (color) glass windows, the primary purpose is not to give people a visual of the outside, but to beautify the space, control the...

Go Green With Window Restoration

Restoring Vintage Windows Can Save Energy and Money Think you need to replace your old windows to go green? Think again Today, words like energy-efficient and green get tossed around like a baseball. When it comes to home repairs, deciding what will actually save...

Window Noise Reduction Properties

How to Reduce Noise By Modernizing Your Windows We’ve all seen the horror movies and read the murder mystery novels where it’s a “dark and stormy night” and everyone is on edge, partially because of creaking, banging windows.  Although storm sounds can be great for a...

Low-e Storm Window Benefits

The Benefits of Adding Storm Windows to Your Home Storm windows aren’t just for protecting your home in bad weather as their name implies. Their true purpose is for providing extra insulation and increased energy efficiency. A large amount of energy loss in most...