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Go Green With Window Restoration

Restoring Vintage Windows Can Save Energy and Money

Think you need to replace your old windows to go green? Think again

Today, words like energy-efficient and green get tossed around like a baseball. When it comes to home repairs, deciding what will actually save energy and be good for the planet can be a daunting task. One of the biggest home improvements that people consider during their quest to join the green initiative is window replacement. However, is replacing your windows really the greenest alternative?

Window manufacturers would like you to think so; they have spent a lot of time telling people that the best way to reduce energy loss and costs is to replace old windows. It’s true that an older home presents some challenges when it comes to windows; like leaks, no noise reduction, and air-conditioning and heat loss. However, the fact is, in older homes only about 10% to 30% of heat loss occurs through windows, the other 70% to 90% is lost through gaps in walls, doors, and especially roofs. In reality, old windows are not automatically inefficient, and when they are properly restored can be just as airtight as a replacement.

When you consider that restoring your old windows results in a similar energy-saving solution to new windows, then restoration is hands-down the greenest alternative. So, before you go and rip out your original wood windows that add character to your home, consider how simply restoring them has a greater benefit for both your house and the planet. Restoring old wood windows means that:

  • You are not throwing existing material and wood into a dump
  • You are helping sustain old-growth forests because this is where the wood from vintage wood windows comes from
  • You decrease the demand for new vinyl, plastic and aluminum, and other materials that new windows are made of, and therefore, reduce the pollution that is caused when these products are made

Plus, vintage wood windows are better quality than newer wood windows; most of them are made from fir or cedar which is extremely durable and strong. Restoring existing wood windows can be just as effective as replacing them. Another great benefit of restoring historical and vintage wood windows is it can be done at a fraction of the cost of a complete replacement, and your house will maintain its unique, original charm. Even with tax initiatives and incentives for buying brand new energy-efficient windows, when you look at the big picture, the more economical option is to fix, repair, and restore your existing windows.

If you’re ready to restore your vintage wood windows, the SLIP™ provides an excellent and green way to do the job. This innovative solution allows you to retain your original windows while updating them to modern standards and even provides sound reduction. SLIPs also dramatically increase insulation, which results in welcome savings on your energy bill every month.

There are options when it comes to making your home more energy-efficient. If you’re ready to join the green initiative, then it’s important to know the facts and to understand which changes will really bring the greenest results to your property. Replacing original windows is not necessary; restoring windows is effective and energy conscious. Want to learn more? Visit our site to see the benefits of keeping your existing windows.

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